Fresh royal jelly

inkl. 7 % MwSt.
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The mixture can be spread on a piece of bread.
• The mixture can be used to sweeten yoghurt, muesli and other breakfast dishes.
• The mixture can be taken with fruit salad.
• The mixture can also be taken pure.
• If necessary, propolis extract can be added to the mixture.
• The mixture can be mixed into the milk.
What is royal jelly?
Royal jelly is a natural bee product secreted from the pharyngeal glands of worker bees and used in the hive to feed young bees and the queen bee. Royal jelly contains important minerals such as vitamins from the B group (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6), zinc, magnesium and iron. It also contains royalactin, a natural protein found in no other food, and 10-HDA, a natural organic acid.
How is royal jelly made?
The production of royal jelly is carried out as follows: a queen bee is taken from one hive, and 1-2 combs with eggs and day-old larvae from other hives are placed in this hive daily. In this way, the production of queen bee cells by the worker bees is encouraged. According to this procedure, the highest yield is obtained from cells with 3-day-old queen larvae. The royal jelly that forms in these cells in the ridges is taken out with special wooden spoons. With this production technique, this process continues in the hive for 20-30 days. After this, the queen bee is placed in the hive, and the colony returns to its former state. With this natural production method, around 20-25 grams of royal jelly are obtained from a beehive.
The queen bee's food source is now within reach! From the moment BEE'O royal jelly is produced in the hive, it reaches the consumer with a cold chain without any pre-treatment.
The most valuable food in human life is breast milk. And what about the bees? Bees also produce royal jelly to feed their young. Young bees are fed royal jelly until they reach maturity, and one of them has royal jelly as its sole food source for the rest of its life. The queen bee thus reaches twice the size of a worker bee and lives with a yield of thousands of eggs per day. While the worker bee has an average lifespan of 45 days, the queen bee can live between 5 and 7 years on average.
The queen bee's food source is now within reach! BEE'O Halal certified royal jelly is shipped with an ice battery in a styrofoam box to protect the cold chain during transport, without any pre-treatment from the moment of production in the hive.
It contains no additives, preservatives, coloring, alcohol, glycol, gluten, GMO, added sugar or fat. This product is halal certified. It is made according to the contract beekeeping model, based on the principles of good beekeeping practice and using organic royal jelly. All our products are 100% natural and patented and packaged in our facilities with GMP, ISO 9000, ISO 22000, BRC, IFS, ISO 14001 and COVID-19 certificates for safe production.
No right of return for fresh royal jelly as it is shipped through the cold chain.
How to consume Gel é e Royale?
Children can consume ¼ teaspoon of fresh royal jelly directly under the tongue on an empty stomach and adults can consume ½ teaspoon daily directly under the tongue on an empty stomach. Or you can use Propolis Royal Jelly Raw Honey Mixtures like 1 teaspoon per day directly or by adding to hot or cold foods like yogurt, milk.
Dosage of royal jelly
Suggested Use: Royal Jelly can be taken on an empty stomach, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per day for children, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon for adults.
Contents & Instructions for Royal Jelly
Product Ingredients: Fresh Royal Jelly (100%)
Storage conditions and shelf life: Store the product in the refrigerator (approx. 4-8°C) and protect it from higher temperatures. Shelf life: 12 months.