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Sunburn-now what? What to do with sunburn? You should pay attention to that

Sunburn-now what? What to do with sunburn? You should pay attention to that

Strong UV radiation can quickly cause sunburn - this is very dangerous and a nightmare for many people. It's actually not that difficult to spend the summer with healthy skin... if you follow a few rules. What helps against sunburn and how skin reddening is best prevented.


  • How does sunburn actually occur and which skin types does it occur more frequently?
  • What are the harmful effects of sun rays? Does the skin have its own protective mechanism against UV rays?
  • What precautions to take to protect yourself from sunburn?
  • Sunscreens: how to choose the right sunscreen? How should a sunscreen for children and adults be to protect themselves from UV rays and what properties must a sunscreen have?
  • Our sun creams with high-quality ingredients


  • The sun is good for you, but sunburn is bad for your body.
  • Tanning is actually a protective response to our skin.
  • You can prevent sunburn by using sunscreen, staying hydrated, and clothing.
  • If the skin is already burned, compresses, water, or medication may help.

For many people, a tan is still the perfect beauty. In principle, the sun is also good for us, we need it for the formation of vitamin D, for example. However, a tan is not a sign of health, but the result of a defensive fight: UV rays from the sun. UV rays, called ultraviolet rays, automatically activate two mechanisms the body uses to try to protect itself.


Prevention is better than subsequent care! Before sunbathing, it is very important to put on enough sunscreen and to avoid long sunbathing. Applying sunscreen regularly keeps the skin moisturized and can prevent sunburn.

How does sunburn actually occur and which skin types does it occur more frequently?

Sunburn (dermatitis solaris) is caused by sunlight or UV rays and is an acute inflammation of the skin. The skin turns red with minor sunburns, but it can also blister and leave scars when exposed to strong sunlight.

Light skin types (skin type I) with reddish hair and colored eyes are more prone to sunburn and can only stay in the sun for a very short time, around five to ten minutes, without getting sunburn.

Skin type II is characterized by light skin and colored eyes and only has its own self-protection time of around minutes.

Skin type III are people with brown hair and darker skin. These people have a self-protection factor of 30 minutes.

Skin type IV with dark brown to black hair and tan skin can stay unprotected in the sun for up to 40 minutes without getting sunburned.

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What are the harmful effects of sun rays? Does the skin have its own protective mechanism against UV rays?

Because sun damage and pigment spots develop over time, it is important that the body slowly adapts to the sun. The skin's ability to react to sun exposure also varies and is genetically determined.

Some turn red after just half an hour in the sun, others walk around the beach all day without sunburn. Therefore, scientists divide people into different skin types that react differently to UV rays from the sun.

In addition to the skin type, the intensity of the UV radiation also plays an important role in the skin's reaction. It depends on your geographic location, time of day, time of year and altitude. The closer the location is to the equator and above sea level, the stronger the sun. Clouds in the air reduce ultraviolet rays. The reflection of the sun on water or snow will intensify it.

There is also a risk of sunburn in spring, as the skin is used to the sun and is therefore very sensitive. On the other hand, the ozone layer, which normally blocks most UV rays, is at its thinnest at this time of year.


Always get your skin used to the sun's rays slowly to prevent unnecessary sunburn. The intensity of UV radiation and other factors such as geographic location, time of day, season, etc. are important for the skin's response to UV rays.

What precautions to take to protect yourself from sunburn?

    • Various measures can be taken to prevent sunburn. In particular, it is important to constantly apply cream, as the skin dries out quickly and loses its protection more quickly through contact with water.
    • It is important to use the cream in sufficient measure and not just apply a thin one.
    • The areas that are most exposed to the sun should always be covered, this is the best way to stop the harmful rays of the sun. Dense fabrics offer a particularly high level of protection.
    • The skin must not dry out. Creaming ensures the moisture balance on the skin and is important to avoid sunburn.
    • You shouldn't stay in the sun for too long. The sun is good for you, but sunbathing for too long damages the skin instead of helping it. For this reason, you should make sure that you are not exposed to the harmful rays for too long.

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Sunscreens: how to choose the right sunscreen? How should a sunscreen for children and adults be to protect themselves from UV rays and what properties must a sunscreen have?

Sunscreens are divided into four different categories. They are classified according to their sun protection factor (SPF) or sun protection factor (SPF).

There are the categories:

  • Base (SPF 6.10)
  • Medium (SPF 15,20,25)
  • High (SPF 30,40,50)
  • Very High (SPF 50+)

The protection time always depends on the skin type and the intensity of the sun's rays. For example, fair-skinned people should only stay unprotected in the sun for 10 minutes. The higher the sun protection factor, the longer the protection period.

We have tips for you on how to protect your children from strong UV rays.

  1. Make sure children have enough sunscreen. For adequate protection you need three to five teaspoons of cream.
  2. Even if the advertising for sun creams for children claims that they are waterproof: After drying, the areas exposed to the sun's rays should be reapplied sufficiently!
  3. A factor of SPF 50 theoretically means that you can stay in the sun 50 times longer than without using sunscreen. Our tip for parents is that children use at least SPF 30 in the sunny months.
  4. The children do not necessarily need a special children's sunscreen. A high sun protection factor is important.
  5. You should use no more than 60% of the protection factor time. After that, you should stay away from the sun.
  6. The shoulders and if possible the arms and legs should be covered with a dark and close-fitting fabric. In addition, caps and sunglasses are even more effective than sunscreen.

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Always make sure that the skin does not dry out under the influence of the sun and that it must always be adequately moisturized. A high protection factor is important for sun creams and must cover all exposed areas of the body!

Our sun creams with high-quality ingredients

UANDU sun creams for adults and children contain high-quality ingredients and are suitable for long sunbathing periods.

The Apicare sun protection cream for children with propolis is suitable for all skin types and contains no chemical filters, parabens and dyes. It was specially developed for children and, thanks to its 50+SPF function, protects sensitive children's skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. The product is hypoallergenic and contains valuable ingredients such as patented pure Anatolian propolis, vitamin B5, zinc and shea butter. The product contains only pure ingredients and can be used regularly by children without hesitation.

Our sun cream Apicare body sun protection cream with propolis offers full protection against UVA and UVB rays thanks to its 30+SPF function. The completely natural and pure content moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The sun cream is suitable for all skin types and does not contain chemical filters, parabens or dyes.


Not only the choice of sunscreen is important to prevent sunburn, but also the use. Regular and sufficient use of sunscreen prevents and minimizes sunburn. In addition, you should not sunbathe for too long and keep applying cream.

In addition, it is important to protect yourself with other items such as sun hats and sunglasses.

The sunscreen should be selected according to skin type and used regularly. Lighter and more sensitive skin types need a higher sun protection factor.

To avoid sunburn, you should constantly apply lotion, cover open areas of the body and not expose yourself to the sun for too long.

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